Section 8B.1 - 1969 to 1998

Journey from Blackley to Bridgnorth July 1969




  0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' being loaded on Caudles

Low Loader at I.C.I. Blackley prior to

its journey along the M6 Motorway

to S.V.R. Bridgnorth in July 1969.


(photo:   David Cooke)



0-6-0ST HL No.3437 of 1919 'Isabel'

and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' at Blackley Works of I.C.I.

Ltd., Dyestuffs Division. HE686 is already

loaded  on the low loader prior to its

journey to S.V.R. Bridgnorth in July 1969.            


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' near Altringham on its

journey from ICI Blackley to SVR

Bridgnorth in July 1969.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' waiting for a police escort at Altringham on its journey from I.C.I. Blackley to S.V.R.

Bridgnorth in July 1969.                  


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' waiting for a police

escort at Altringham on its journey from I.C.I. Blackley to S.V.R.

Bridgnorth in  July 1969. 


(photo:   David Cooke)





 0-6-0T HE No.686 'The Lady Armaghdale' heads down the M6 Motorway on the Journey from I.C.I. Blackley to S.V.R. Bridgnorth

in July 1969.            


(photo:   David Cooke)






 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' still on CaudlesLow

Loader after arriving at S.V.R.

Bridgnorth in July 1969.


(photo:   David Cooke)

Visit to Tyseley, Birmingham in 1983 and 1986






 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' arriving at The Birmingham

Railway Museum, Tyseley in April 1983.         


(photo:   Robin Jones)







0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' arriving at the Birmingham

Railway Museum. Tyseley in April 1983.


(photo:   Robin Jones)







0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' at Birmingham Railway

Museum, Tyseley in May 1983.                              


(photo:   David Cooke)







 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' on location at Birmingham

Railway Museum (Tyseley) in June 1983.


(photo:   Robin Jones)







 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' on location at Birmingham

Railway Museum (Tyseley) in June 1983.       


(photo:   Robin Jones)                                                                                        






 0-4-0ST P No.1722 of 1926 'Rocket' and

0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' at the Birmingham

Railway Museum in July 1983.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-4-0ST P No.1722 of 1926 (in GWR livery)

and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' on the turntable at

Birmingham Railway Museum

(Tyseley) in July 1983.           


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' at Tyseley during its second

visit to the Birmingham Railway Museum

in July 1986. 


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' at Tyseley during its second

visit to the Birmingham Railway Museum

in July 1986.           


(photo:   David Cooke)

Visit to Crewe Heritage Centre in August 1988





 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady

Armaghdale' at the Railway Heritage

Centre, Crewe in August 1988.


(photo:   David Cooke)







LMS 4-6-2 No.6201 'Princess Elizabeth'

and 0-6-0T HE No.686 'The Lady Armaghdale'

at the Crewe Heritage Centre in August 1988.         


(photo:   David Cooke)




 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'

on Location at the Railway Heritage Centre,

Crewe in August 1988. Soon after this event

the locomotive would be withdrawn for

overhaul, not returning to active service

until March 1994 but then as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' in Blue Livery.


(photo:   David Cooke)






 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'

at the Crewe Railway Heritage Centre

in August 1988.                    


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'

at the Crewe Railway Heritage Centre

in August 1988.


(photo:   David Cooke)







0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' at the Crewe Railway Heritage Centre in August 1988.


(photo:   coutesy of John Sherratt)

0-6-0T HE686 as 'Thomas the Tank Engine'  1994 - 1998






 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 making its

first ever appearance in blue livery

as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at

GWS Didcot in March 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)





 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at

GWS Didcot in March 1994.      


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot in March 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot in March 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot in March 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot March 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Pontypool

& Blaenavon Railway in July 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Pontypool & Blaenavon Railway in July 1994.      


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

 In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at the

Pontypool & Blaenavon

Railway in July 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at the

Pontypool & Blaenavon

Railway in July 1994.


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery

as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' on location

at GWS Didcot in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)







0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' on Location at

GWS Didcot in October 1995.                        


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In Blue livery as 'Thomas

 the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at GWS

Didcot in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)







0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' on Location at Llangollen Railway in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)







0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' on location at Llangollen Railway in October 1995.        


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue ivery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at  Glyn

Dyfrdwy, Llangollen Rly.

in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at Glyn

Dyfrdwy, Llangollen Rly.

in October 1995.


(photo:   David Cooke)





 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery

as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Wallingford

on the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway

in April 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Cholsey on

the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway

in April 1996.                    


(photo:   David Cooke)




View from train hauled by 0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' on the

Cholsey & Wallingford Railway in April 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at Cholsey

on the Cholsey & Wallingford

Railway in April 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery

as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Leeds

on the Middleton Railway in May 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)








0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Leeds on the Middleton Railway in May 1996.                       


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at Leeds

on the Middleton

Railway in May 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

Inblue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at Leeds

on the Middleton

Railway in May 1996.


(photo:   David Cooke)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

in blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' with The

Fat Controller at Bressingham

Steam Museum in August 1996.


Photographer Unknown





0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

In blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at the

Gwili Railway in April 1998.


(photo:   courtesy of Robin Jones)




0-6-0T HE686 of 1898

in blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at the

Gwili Railway in April 1998.


(photo:   courtesy of Robin Jones)






 0-6-0T HE No.686 in blue livery as 'Thomas

the Tank Engine' at Bury on the East Lancs.

Railway in May 1998.                                       


(photo:   David Cooke)






0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as

'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Bury on the

East Lancs. Railway in May 1998.


(photo:   David Cooke)